发布时间: | 2020-06-02 | |
来 源: | www.cntech.com | |
相关产品: | ADINA |
1. Introduction
1.1 Objective of this manual
The objective of this manual is to give a concise summary and guide for study of the theoretical basis of the finite element computer program ADINA Thermal (ADINA-T and ADINA TMC). ADINA-T is employed for analysis of heat transfer and field problems and ADINA-TMC is employed for analysis of coupled thermo-mechanical problems.
Since a large number of analysis options is available in these computer programs, a user might well be initially overwhelmed with the different analysis choices and the theoretical bases of the computer programs. A significant number of publications referred to in the text (books, papers and reports) describe in detail the finite element analysis procedures used in the programs. However, this literature is very comprehensive and frequently provides more detail than the user needs to consult for the effective use of ADINA-T and ADINA-TMC. Furthermore, it is important that a user can identify easily which publication should be studied if more information is desired on a specific analysis option.
The intent with this Theory and Modeling Guide is
• to provide a document that summarizes the methods and assumptions used in ADINA Heat Transfer
• to provide specific references that describe the finite element procedures in more detail.
Hence, this manual has been compiled to provide a bridge between the actual practical use of the ADINA system and the theory documented in various publications. Much reference is made to the book Finite Element Procedures (ref. KJB) and to other publications but we endeavored to be specific when referencing these publications so as to help the reader to find directly the relevant information.
ref. K.J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, 2nd ed.,
Cambridge, MA: Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, 2014.
We intend to update this report as we continue our work on the ADINA system. If you have any suggestions regarding the material discussed in this manual, we would be glad to hear from you.