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THIS HANDBOOK  is written as a desktop reference for both newcomers and experienced ADINA users. Topics are organized by typical work flflows, and special attention is given to common pitfalls and solutions as they would be encountered.


Currently, this handbook covers:

• Importing, creating, and manipulating geometry using the ADINA User Interface (AUI)

• A detailed chapter demonstrating ADINA’s powerful meshing features

• A description of ADINA’s Fast Graphics Mode

• A chapter describing the difffferences between solver settings for ADINA and SOL 601/701


The reader will fifind many simple examples demonstrating how to effffectively use ADINA’s commands and command options. In most cases, examples include detailed fifigures and illustrations. These examples can be copied and pasted directly into the AUI Command Window’s input line, located just beneath the ADINA-IN(1)> prompt, or adapted for use into the reader’s own model. 


It is worth noting that this handbook is not intended to be a replacement for the ADINA system’s detailed Command Reference Manuals, Theory and Modeling Guides, and Primer Problems. Rather, its aim is to more effffectively bring to bear upon the reader’s specifific problem all of ADINA’s features and documentation.